Pourquoi les principaux opérateurs passent-ils de l’analyse descriptive à l’analyse prescriptive?

Si l'on considère les tendances actuelles, il est clair que le big data gagne rapidement du terrain dans le secteur des télécoms, ce qui oblige les DSI à faire de l'analyse un élément central de leur stratégie d'entreprise. Avec plus d'informations à leur disposition,...
Avoiding the Black Box Effect

Avoiding the Black Box Effect

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, it is clear that the economy will be heavily impacted . While CTO's and technical teams currently focus on coping with the operational challenges of the crisis, their attentions are already squarely on prudent IT cost management. In...

Infographic: Lean Benefit Management

Infographic: Lean Benefit Management

Benefit management is the art of monitoring the performance of network investments over time. For Riaktr it resulted in a gain of 8% additional ROI in the roll-out of the second deployment wave.   Enjoyed this infographic? You might also enjoy: "Smart Capex...

You can embed AI in your team’s workflow

You can embed AI in your team’s workflow

Embed AI November 2019 By Tem Bertels from Smart Capex   "Analytics is a big deal in business more than ever so it's not just R&D anymore. Research has estimated that the value of AI by 2020 will be worth over one trillion dollars" -Tem Bertels    ...

Capex network investments: The winning factors

Capex network investments: The winning factors

Capex network investments March 2019 Smart Capex team   Emerging technologies lift barriers to implement a comprehensive approach to Capex network investments. With announcements of investments in fiber accounting for billions, and millions of homes still to be...