La gamification pour augmenter la performance des agents commerciaux

La gamification, c'est-à-dire l'utilisation de mécanismes de jeu pour motiver les individus à atteindre leurs objectifs, s'est révélée être un moyen efficace d'augmenter de manière significative la performance des agents commerciaux en sous-performance. Ce cas expose...
MNO Sales and Distribution: How to Execute Perfectly

MNO Sales and Distribution: How to Execute Perfectly

Sales and distribution November 2018 By Alondra Gutierrez and Loic Jacobs van Merlen Interview with Riaktr’s Co-founder Loic Jacobs van Merlen on how to execute perfectly as a Telco in sales and distribution and how this could be relevant to Latin American Telecom...

A Fresh Look at Managing Sales and Distribution in Telecom

A Fresh Look at Managing Sales and Distribution in Telecom

Across the world, telecom operators are experiencing tough times. While competition and regulation aim to push prices down, the main challenge remains to translate their voice revenue into higher-value units. Let's see a fresh look at managing sales and distribution...